Email Support

Email Settings

PLEASE NOTE - Effective 1/1/2025, e-mail does not support the newest version of Apple / Mac iOS Software. There is no timeframe as to when this will be available. E-mail can be accessed various other ways including Webmail or through Microsoft, Android or older Apple devices running older versions of iOS software.

The following settings are for e-mail provided via your e-mail ends with:

Protocol:  IMAP / POP3 - Either may be used.   It is recommended to use IMAP if this e-mail address is checked on multiple devices.

Incoming Mail Server:
Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP):

Username:  The first part of your e-mail address.  For example, if your e-mail is, your username would be myemail
Password:  Your e-mail password

Outgoing Server Port: 587 with No SSL.

If your e-mail ends with: (e-mail hosted customers)

Protocol:  IMAP / POP3 - Either may be used.   It is recommended to use IMAP if you check e-mail on several devices.

Incoming Mail Server:
Outgoing: Mail Server:

Username: The username assigned to you by your e-mail administrator.
Password   The password assigned to your e-mail administrator.

Outgoing Server Port: 587 with No SSL.

For more information, please contact us at 847-594-5111 or email